7 mile Walk up, over, down a mountain -
then return back the same way on Mar. 26, 2010
Starting at 10 hr. 14min. before sunset at an elevation of 267 feet, walk/climb
up, over, and down the mountain.
Total distance of 3.6 miles, moving average speed of 2.9 mph, taking 1 hr. 20
mins. to complete, including 7 mins. for stop breaks.
Elevations starting in the 200's, increasing to over 850 feet, and then down to
400's .
Return back the same way, Return trip taking 1 hr. 27 mins. including stop
NOTE: Return trip took 7 mins. longer because the trip up will wear you
12.5 Mile Walk on Feb. 18, 2010
Starting at 259 feet elevation, walked up mountain road 2.6 miles to an
elevation of 878 feet, as the first leg of my 12.5 mile walk.
Total climb including breaks was 54.54 mins. - whereas it was 67 mins. in
Jan. 2010
Completed loop starting at the blue triangle and returning to the same location
( Near J.'s house - a business parking lot)
Total distance of 12.5 miles, taking 4:17 hours with 1:09 hrs. in breaks for a total
time of 5:26 hours.
Walking Speed of 2.9 mph, up from 2.8 mph in Jan. 2010 and the distance was 1.2
miles more over the walk time
in Jan. 2010.
11 Mile Walk in Jan. 2010
Starting at 259 feet elevation, walked up mountain road 2.6 miles to an
elevation of 851 feet, then down and around to the starting point.
Total distance of 11.3 miles, taking 4:02 hours with 1:17 breaks for a total
time of 5:19 hours.
Walking Speed of 2.8 mph.
2.6 Mile Climb in 67
Complete 11 mile Loop