Oregon Trail -  Road Trip, Biking, Hiking, Camping
Week 2  -  Wednesday Thursday
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Yellowstone National Park

Driving at night, you can get the most wonderful surprise in the morning as the sun rises.

I stop a lot alone the way to take pictures of the most interesting sights.

If you think camping in October is cold, try fishing like this!

Two ways to get around the park, depending on your age, mostly, but cost is also a factor.



I took these pictures from behind the wheel with the window rolled down.

Things you can see driving around the lake.

Getting ready for spending the night.

A quick drive around my campsite before dark to see who I will be spending the night with if I
leave any food out.

Leaving Yellowstone by way of Yellowstone Lake and
headed south a short distance to Grand Teton.
Click on each image to enlarge.
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